Monday, January 21, 2013

Visit to Shelly's

Left for St. George September 13 to go down and help Shelly while Talen recovers from his hospital visit.  His body rejected the formula they were feeding him and his poor little body was inflamed on the inside.  He was in so much pain they had to keep him sedated.  The new formula seems to be working but Shelly is so exhausted she needs help.  I didn't mind helping.  It gave me an excuse to go see them.  I enjoyed taking Kennedy birthday shopping, playing with Daxton, and visiting with Cathy when she came over.  I didn't enjoy seeing Talen so sick, but he seems to be improving.  The best part of the visit was the phone call Shelly got from Duke University Medical Center informing her they wanted to get Talen into their Genome testing program.  They will be going the end of October so I get to come back down again to stay with Kennedy and Daxton.

Jay found a golf club just Daxton's size at the DI.

It didn't take long for him to insist he do it on his own and he's pretty good.

He also insisted on helping me.  I was sweeping the floor and he had to take over.

Daxton enjoys putting on other people's shoes.   He loves Talen and really wanted him to feel better.

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