Saturday, July 14, 2012

Shelly's Visit

Shelly, Jay, Kennedy, Talen, & Daxton came to visit us on Friday July 6th.  They were going to stay the weekend but ended up having to take Talen in to Primary Children's Medical Center's emergency room Sat. morning.  He didn't sleep much during the night and looked like he was in pain.  I kept Kennedy and Daxton until Shelly called to let us know they were releasing him to go home.  They gave him laxatives and a suppository and got him cleaned out.  It's so hard to know where he is hurting.  I took Kennedy and Daxton to Salt Lake to meet with Jay and Shelly and they headed home so Talen could be more comfortable.  Wish they could have stayed longer but I know it was best for Talen to be home in his own bed.  We sure enjoyed the visit with Kennedy and Daxton.  Daxton is quite the character!

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