Saturday, July 14, 2012

Shelly's Visit

Shelly, Jay, Kennedy, Talen, & Daxton came to visit us on Friday July 6th.  They were going to stay the weekend but ended up having to take Talen in to Primary Children's Medical Center's emergency room Sat. morning.  He didn't sleep much during the night and looked like he was in pain.  I kept Kennedy and Daxton until Shelly called to let us know they were releasing him to go home.  They gave him laxatives and a suppository and got him cleaned out.  It's so hard to know where he is hurting.  I took Kennedy and Daxton to Salt Lake to meet with Jay and Shelly and they headed home so Talen could be more comfortable.  Wish they could have stayed longer but I know it was best for Talen to be home in his own bed.  We sure enjoyed the visit with Kennedy and Daxton.  Daxton is quite the character!

Fourth of July

The Fourth of July was pretty low key for us this year. 

We skipped the Malad parade and just went to the Snowville parade.

It lasted a whole 5 minutes.  We went back home and I cleaned more because Shelly is coming this weekend.

Visit to Cheyenne's in Georgia

On June 20 I flew to Atlanta, Georgia to help Cheyenne pack for her upcoming move to New Hampshire.  I was amazed at how beautiful the roads were landscaped.  Trees everywhere!  And the fireflies were so much fun to watch.

Sasha and Sophie enjoyed playing with each other from the moment they met.

We packed and...

packed and...

packed for a week.  Each night we took a load to the storage unit.

Mollie helping with the packing of the hangers.

Then on Thurs. June 28 the movers came to pack and move all the heavy boxes and things from Cheyenne's third floor apartment to their truck.

Cheyenne's apartment.

Finally the truck was loaded and we were off to the storage unit.  It was so nice to get it done!

Cheyenne took me to so many good places to eat while I was there!  Here we are with her friend Melissa at the Cheesecake Factory!

And of course I would like this place to eat.  They had a flying pig on their catering truck!

On July 1 Sasha was ready to go home.  Cheyenne gave her a bed to take home and I guess she thought she was going to get packed in the suitcase with it.

I flew out of the Atlanta, Georgia airport...

and back to Salt Lake airport.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Visit to Jeremy's for Capitol Fun Run

On June 2 we went to Jeremy & Karma's to watch Kyle and Donelle run in the Capitol Classic Fun Run (Donelle #2396).

Kyle #366

They're off!

We had to find a cool spot to wait at the finish line since it was such a hot day!

Here comes Kyle!

Donelle finishes the race!
They both finished and received a medal.  It was a really fun day!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Spring Scrapbooking Conference 2012

Scrapbooking Conference, May 18-19, was so much fun!  I got a big surprise when I turned around to see my high school friend Sue Rogers from Calif.  It was so wonderful to have her come.  I couldn't get over it.  My good friend, Betty Roderick, came also and we enjoyed the classes and fun of just relaxing and scrapbooking.  Sue and her husband, Carl, helped me unpack and pack the supplies.   After we came home, Carl and Sue stayed until Wed. before they left for home.  I'm going to miss them!

China painting jewelry pieces

Just finished two more pieces of china painting.  They are jewelry pieces.  I think they turned out pretty good.  Now just have to add the findings to finish the pieces.

Stake Achievement Day Activity

Attended the Stake Achievement Day Activity (April 14).  The girls got to make bracelets, tie quilts, and learn lessons on modesty and making good choices.  The girls who attended were Rylie, Trae Hill, Katie Kotter, and Hannah Bird.  They served a light lunch and cupcakes for refreshments.  We had a great time!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Rylie's birthday and baptism

Rylie's 8th birthday was Friday.  We went up to have dinner and birthday cake.  Saturday she was baptized by Shad.  It was very special.  I keep thinking how close we came to losing her 4 years ago.  So glad we were able to see this day come.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Branding Calves

Thursday we branded the calves.  This year Dallan invited the young men to help.  They came and actually did a pretty good job.  By 12:30 they were done and ready to eat lunch.  We had bar-b-que, potato salad, frog eye salad, baked beans, chips, chocolate chip cookies, and rhubarb swirl cake.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

OK!  I decided it's about time to start blogging.  Hope I can keep up with it.  So here starts the adventure!